Sell Your Long Island House As-Is For Cash Today!

Sell Your Long Island
Home Fast

Get Started With Stress Free Homebuyer Today!

Over 200 Homes
Bought & Sold

10 Years
of Experience



When You’re Ready to Sell, We’re Prepared to Buy.

We are a Long Island Real Estate Investment company that buys homes, distressed properties, and land for cash. Our proven process and experienced team ensure a seamless transition for you, regardless of your situation.

Here’s how:

Connect with the Stress Free Home Buyer team. We’ll discuss your unique situation and needs, including property type, location, and condition.

Receive your offer and all the details necessary for your attorney to create a contract within 24 hours. Don’t have an attorney? We can connect you with one of our trusted partners and cover the costs.

Sign your contract and cash the check. It’s that simple. We don’t require repairs, inspections, or real estate fees.

Have questions? We Can Help!

Long Island NY- Suffolk County, Nassau County

No, we can complete the entire transaction electronically.

If you sold your home with a real estate agent, you could expect to pay 4-6% commission plus additional closing costs. With Stress Free Homebuyers we save you money and cut out the middleman. We do not charge any fees or commissions because we are the actual buyers.

You take what you do want and leave what you don’t want. We will take care of the rest.

We offer a free consultation to understand
your needs and goals.